The Madawaska Club of Go Home Bay
Board Meeting Minutes

Dec 10th, 2014

Dottie’s house, 233 Havelock St, Toronto


Attending: Bill Lougheed, Mike Stephens, Dottie Graham, David Cape, Doug McKenzie, Andrea Proctor, Roger Ashton (by phone)
Absent: Dana Stewart, Michael Williams, Kelly Killoran
Bill: called meeting to order

1. Approval of Sept minutes - Dottie

MOTION: To approve the minutes from the September 2014 meeting as distributed.  Moved: Bill, Seconded Andrea. Passed.

2. Trails – David Cape

Money was raised to improve our trails through the wonderful efforts of Paul Brown and Wendy Camirand. David Cape will co-ordinate with Will Crawford-Brown to have the trails further improved for winter and summer use. Trails are not to be cleared so as to enable snowmobile use; they are for hiking snowshoeing and skiing. There was debate about how to mark the trails. Any signage needs to be agreed upon at a future meeting.

3. Caretakers House
General discussion of the costs and what direction we should take with respect to this Club asset. Bill summarized that there seemed to be no alignment of the directors on the matter and that he would like to see that. Discussion was held over to the next meeting.

4. In-camera  Session

Meeting Adjourned.