Madawaska Club of Go Home Bay

Minutes, 1st October 2015

Bill Lougheed’s house, 28 Crestview Rd, Toronto

In Attendance: Bill, Kelly, Patsy Cross, Dottie, Dana, Doug (by phone: David, Mike, Michael, Andrea)

Bill suggested that David together an outline and costing for critical issues are that have to be dealt with in 2015/2016, for the Club’s House. The Board can then prioritize all these items for the Executive Committee’s review.

Caretaker’s House repairs

David:  Met with Robert to figure out what has to be done.  Most visible problem: the roof and upper entry sliding glass door, entry to the basement.  Rotted underneath.  Rotted the header under the east wall of the building, and joists underneath.  Could sister up the header.  It’s a Viceroy home, so it’s not the best flooring, could step on the floor in some places and see the basement.  Could step right through.  Drywall is damaged in places.  Needs new sliding glass door.  Have to start with the roof.  The soffits and fascia need to be repaired.  Depends on what kind of repair you want.  Steel or shingle.

Chimney needs repair. Septic bed seems to be operating but Robert says not very efficiently.  Robert has just sent photo that he can send to Township so the septic will pass inspection. The siding isn’t great, but that probably caused some of the problems with the sliding glass door.  There will be further damage to the building unless we fix the roof. An old dishwasher needs to be removed.

MOTION: That David Cape proceeds to get a quote from Northshore Roofing and that David get a quote within $5000 if Northshore is unable to do the roof this season, and that David gets quotes to replace the header and door.  David will proceed to hire someone to do these repairs.


Caretaker’s Contract

Issues reflecting communication tools, including cell-phone and photographs when reporting damages were discussed.


Managed Forest Plan

Some final items were discussed regarding roll numbers on properties under MFTIP

Planning Update

There are no formal applications for October agenda at the Township, so nothing much to report.

Pragmites - Kelly

We had great team, every time we asked for help we got it.  We got rid of it, but it will be back next year.

Wiki Nation

Bill:  Wiki Nation had treaties for lands, and the government is in the process of transferring lands in return for giving up claims.  The concern may be that this sets a precedent for other land claims.


Discussion of approaches to filling vacancies in 2016

There being no further business, Bill  adjourned the meeting.